Snacking. We all do it! There is a huge difference, thug,h between good snacking and bad snacking. It’s so important to remember clean eating in between meals, so that you curb your appetite while giving your body fuel. Munching on a bag of potato chips while slurping a diet coke won’t exactly give you the boost that a few carrot sticks and hummus will. My favorite snacks are celery and peanut butter, avocado on toast, or a smoothie with fruits, veggies, and nuts! If I know I’ll be somewhere that doesn’t allow me to keep a snack cold for later, I will throw some nuts and dried fruit in a bag. This is a great, healthy snack to keep in your desk for emergency hunger! Also, when I cannot seem to find the motivation to get myself to work out, I will eat a cold snack like an apple with peanut butter or cheese to wake myself up and energize myself all the way to the gym!
Don’t ruin your body, and your day, by eating an unhealthy snack, especially when there are so many yummy options! View the original article by clicking here.
And, while you’re here, check out my other food ideas and recipes and healthy lifestyle articles!